Unity Path Defeat Majordomo Heroic! (Realm First)Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but we left this one too long – as it was rather easy. However, it was the last boss of the raiding week – ignoring the Ragnaros cleanup – so the incentive was always to push on the other bosses first. However, a night or two after Baleroc saw this […] Unity Path Defeat Baelroc Heroic! (Realm First)A straight-up healer fight, with everyone else standing around looking pretty and playing musical chairs with some shards and chasing a green beam. Whilst not being able to afford three healers, our damage was high enough to avoid any real dabbling with the enrage but we were all waiting for the healers to unlock the […] Unity Path Defeat Alysrazor Heroic! (Realm First)After the successful – albeit inefficient – dispatch of the first two bosses, this was the first boss which we did in conventional style. Solid plan, nightly revision for a couple of evenings and a final success – although we did have a frustrating final 4 hours when we conspired to make just enough errors […] |