Unity Path, 11th September 2008
Unity Path was a World of Warcraft Guild on the EU Earthen Ring server, raiding 10-man Heroic content.
Formed in 2005 as raid force to for the various “early levellers” of Earthen Ring to tackle Molten Core, the group had held position of the third-best raid group on the server through the entire content, but unfortunately not killed C’Thun and – like everyone on Earthen Ring – not finishing Naxxramas-40.
The Burning Crusade saw us get off to a slow start, and the group went through many challenges, before coming off an excellent Black Temple campaign emerging as the most successful raiding entity on Earthen Ring in mid-2008, completing Sunwell Plateau and killing M’uru before the fight was nerfed in the 3.0 patch.
Wrath of the Lich King saw the raid group incorporated as a full Guild, raiding the 25-man content, and maintaining our Realm First status through the bulk of the campaign, and finishing the expansion as the only group on Earthen King to kill The Lich King 25-man Heroic before it was nerfed in the 4.0 patch.
With Cataclysm, the decision was taken to move to the 10-man format of the game – taking a view that maintaining a 25-man raid force to the required standard would be – at best – difficult given the way Blizzard had structured raiding. We finished all three trenches of content as Realm First, taking five of the six raiding achievements.
Unity Path retired from Realm First end-game raiding on 30th May 2012, finishing as World 444 in 10-man, and World 658 in all formats. We continue to raid casually for the camaraderie of times past, and with largely the same group of players.
Argus the Unmaker Heroic (21.12.2017)
Aggramar Heroic (17.12.2017)
The Coven of Shivarra Heroic (10.12.2017)
Varimathras Heroic (06.12.2017)
Kin’garoth Heroic – Realm First (30.11.2017)
Imonar the Soulhunter Heroic – Realm First (30.11.2017)
Eonar the Life-Binder Heroic (30.11.2017)
Portal Keeper Hasabel Heroic – Realm First (29.11.2017)
Antoran High Command Heroic (29.11.2017)
Felhounds of Sargeras Heroic (29.11.2017)
Garothi Worldbreaker Heroic (29.11.2017)
The Desolate Host Mythic (01.10.2017)
Sisters of the Moon Mythic (24.09.2017)
Harjatan Mythic – Realm First (20.08.2017)
Demonic Inquisition Mythic – Realm First (13.08.2017)
Goroth Mythic (13.08.2017)
Kil’jaeden Heroic – Realm First (23.07.2017)
Fallen Avatar Heroic (09.07.2017)
Maiden of Vigilance Heroic (28.06.2017)
The Desolate Host Heroic (28.06.2017)
Mistress Sassz’ine Heroic – Realm First (22.06.2017)
Sisters of the Moon Heroic – Realm First (22.06.2017)
Harjatan Heroic – Realm First (21.06.2017)
Demonic Inquisition Heroic (21.06.2017)
Goroth Heroic – Realm First (21.06.2017)
Guarm Mythic (27.07.2017)
Odyn Mythic (27.07.2017)
Krosus Mythic (15.06.2017)
Trilliax Mythic (11.06.2017)
Chronomatic Anomaly Mythic (11.06.2017)
Skorpyron Mythic (11.06.2017)
Xavius Mythic (11.06.2017)
Cenarius Mythic (31.05.2017)
Il’gynoth Mythic (31.05.2017)
Elerethe Renferal Mythic (31.05.2017)
Dragons of Nightmare Mythic (31.05.2017)
Ursoc Mythic (31.05.2017)
Nythendra Mythic (31.05.2017)
Gul’dan Heroic (26.02.2017)
Grand Magistrix Elisande Heroic (19.02.2017)
High Botanist Tel’arn Heroic (12.02.2017)
Tichondrius Heroic (02.02.2017)
Star Augur Etraeus Heroic (29.01.2017)
Krosus Heroic (26.01.2017)
Spellblade Aluriel Heroic (22.01.2017)
Trilliax Heroic (19.01.2017)
Chronomatic Anomaly Heroic (19.01.2017)
Skorpyron Heroic (19.01.2017)
Helya Heroic – Realm First (04.12.2016)
Guarm Heroic – Realm First (20.11.2016)
Odyn Heroic (20.11.2016)
Xavius Heroic (16.10.2016)
Cenarius Heroic (09.10.2016)
Elerethe Renferal Heroic (09.10.2016)
Il’gynoth Heroic (05.10.2016)
Dragons of Nightmare Heroic (02.10.2016)
Ursoc Heroic (29.09.2016)
Nythendra Heroic (25.09.2016)
Warlords of Draenor
Archimonde Heroic (24.10.15)
Mannoroth Heroic (11.10.15)
Xhul’horac Heroic (30.09.15)
Tyrant Velhari (30.09.15)
Archimonde Normal (20.09.15)
Socrethar the Eternal Heroic (20.09.15)
Fel Lord Zakuun Heroic (10.09.15)
Shadow-Lord Iskar Heroic (30.08.15)
Gorefiend Heroic (23.08.15)
Kilrogg Deadeye Heroic (23.08.15)
Hellfire High Council Heroic (23.08.15)
Kormrok Heroic (23.08.15)
Iron Reaver Heroic (23.08.15)
Hellfire Assault Heroic (23.08.15)
Mannoroth Normal (16.08.15)
Xhul’horac Normal (12.08.15)
Tyrant Velhari (10.08.15)
Fel Lord Zakuun Normal (21.07.15)
Socrethar the Eternal Normal (21.07.15)
Shadow-Lord Iskar Normal (12.07.15)
Gorefiend Normal (12.07.15)
Kilrogg Deadeye Normal (09.07.15)
Hellfire High Council Normal (09.07.15)
Kormrok Normal (09.07.15)
Iron Reaver Normal (09.07.15)
Hellfire Assault Normal (09.07.15)
Imperator Mar’gok Heroic (14.06.15)
Blackhand Heroic (28.05.15)
Blackhand Normal (10.05.15)
The Blast Furnace Heroic (03.05.15)
The Iron Maidens Heroic (19.04.15)
Kromog Heroic (16.04.15)
Operator Thogar Heroic (12.04.15)
Oregorger Heroic (12.04.15)
Flamebender Ka’graz Heroic (12.04.15)
The Iron Maidens Normal (01.04.15)
Beastlord Darmac Normal (01.04.15)
The Blast Furnace Normal (01.04.15)
Oregorger Normal (26.03.15)
Beastlord Darmac Heroic (22.03.15)
Gruul Heroic (19.03.15)
Hans’gar and Franzok Heroic (19.03.15)
Kromog Normal (11.03.15)
Flamebender Ka’graz Heroic (11.03.15)
Hans’gar and Franzok Normal (11.03.15)
Operator Thogar Heroic (11.03.15)
Brackenspore Normal (01.02.15)
Imperator Mar’gok Heroic (01.02.15)
The Butcher Heroic (28.01.15)
Kargath Bladefist Heroic (28.01.15)
Twin Ogron Heroic (28.01.15)
Tectus Heroic (28.01.15)
Kargath Bladefist Heroic (28.01.15)
Ko’ragh Normal (25.01.15)
Twin Ogron Normal (18.01.15)
Tectus Normal (18.01.15)
Brackenspore Normal (18.01.15)
Mists of Pandaria
Malkorok Heroic (08.10.14)
General Nazgrim Heroic (11.09.14)
Kor’kron Dark Shaman Heroic (11.09.14)
Iron Juggernaut Heroic (09.09.14)
Galakras Heroic (29.08.14)
Sha of Pride Heroic (29.08.14)
Fallen Protectors Heroic (26.08.14)
Norushen Heroic (15.01.14)
Immerseus Heroic (05.01.14)
Garrosh Hellscream Normal (12.11.13)
Paragons of the Klaxxi Normal (04.11.13)
Siegecrafter Blackfuse Normal (04.11.13)
Thok the Bloodthirsty Normal (04.11.13)
Spoils of Pandaria Normal (13.10.13)
Malkorok Normal (13.10.13)
General Nazgrim Normal (03.10.13)
Kor’kron Dark Shaman Normal (03.10.13)
Iron Juggernaut Normal (22.09.13)
Galakras Normal (22.09.13)
Sha of Pride Normal (15.09.13)
Norushen Normal (15.09.13)
Fallen Protectors Normal (15.09.13)
Sha of Fear Normal (06.03.13)
Grand Empress Shek’zeer Normal (13.02.13)
Will of the Emperor Normal (09.01.13)
Lei Shi Normal (27.02.13)
Tsulong Normal (27.09213)
Protectors of the Endless Normal (13.02.13)
Amber-Shaper Un’sok Normal (10.02.13)
Wind Lord Mel’jarak Normal (27.01.13)
Garalon Normal (27.01.13)
Blade Lord Ta’yak Normal (17.01.13)
Imperial Vizier Zor’lok Normal (17.01.13)
Elegon Normal (09.01.13)
Four Kings Normal (03.01.13)
Feng the Accursed Normal (03.01.13)
Stone Guard Normal (03.01.13)
Madness of Deathwing Heroic (28.02.12)
Spine of Deathwing Heroic (22.02.12)
Warmaster Blackhorn Heroic (19.01.12)
Ultraxion Heroic (05.01.12)
Hagara the Stormbinder Heroic (01.01.12)
Warlock Zon’ozz Heroic (22.12.11)
Yor’sahj the Unsleeping Heroic (15.12.11)
Morchok Heroic (07.12.11)
Madness of Deathwing (01.12.11)
Spine of Deathwing (01.12.11)
Warmaster Blackhorn (30.11.11)
Ultraxion (30.11.11)
Hagara the Stormbinder (30.11.11)
Yor’sahj the Unsleeping (30.11.11)
Warlock Zon’ozz (30.11.11)
Morchok (30.11.11)
Omnotron Defense System Heroic (10.11.11)
Ascendant Council Heroic (10.11.11)
Ragnaros Heroic (07.11.11)
Beth’tilac Heroic (07.09.11)
Majordomo Heroic (26.08.11)
Baleroc Heroic (21.08.11)
Alysrazor Heroic (12.08.11)
Lord Rhyolith Heroic (29.07.11)
Shannox Heroic (15.07.11)
Ragnaros (10.07.11)
Majordomo (03.07.11)
Baleroc (03.07.11)
Alysrazor (01.07.11)
Lord Rhyolith (29.06.11)
Beth’tilac (29.06.11)
Shannox (29.06.11)
Sinestra Heroic (24.06.11)
Cho’gall Heroic (30.05.11)
Al’Akir Heroic (15.05.11)
Nefarian Heroic (01.05.11)
Conclave of Wind Heroic (15.04.11)
Valiona and Theralion Heroic (27.03.11)
Magmaw Heroic (16.03.11)
Atramedes Heroic (28.02.11)
Maloriak Heroic (20.02.11)
Chimaeron Heroic (11.02.11)
Halfus Wyrmbreaker Heroic (16.03.11)
Nefarian (21.01.11)
Al’Akir (10.01.11)
Cho’gall (09.01.11)
Chimaeron (07.01.11)
Ascendant Council (03.01.11)
Atramedes (28.12.10)
Conclave of Wind (20.12.10)
Valiona and Theralion (20.12.10)
Halfus Wyrmbreaker (20.12.10)
Maloriak (16.12.10)
Magmaw (16.12.10)
Omnotron Defense System (14.12.10)
The Wrath of the Lich King
The Lich King (Heroic) (06.10.10)
Halion Heroic (25.07.10)
Halion (30.06.10)
Professor Putricide (Heroic) (12.05.10)
Sindragosa (Heroic) (24.04.10)
Lady Deathwhisper (Heroic) (02.04.10)
Deathbringer Saurfang (Heroic) (20.03.10)
Blood-Queen Lana’thel (Heroic) (13.03.10)
Blood Prince Council (Heroic) (12.03.10)
Valithria Dreamwalker (Heroic) (11.03.10)
Festergut (Heroic) (11.03.10)
Rotface (Heroic) (05.03.10)
Lord Marrowgar (Heroic) (03.03.10)
The Lich King (27.02.10)
Gunship Battle (Heroic) (03.03.10)
Sindragosa (07.02.10)
Valithria Dreamwalker (03.02.10)
Blood-Queen Lana’thel (28.01.10)
Blood Prince Council (19.01.10)
Professor Putricide (16.01.10)
Rotface (05.01.10)
Festergut (05.01.10)
Deathbringer Saurfang (09.12.09)
Gunship Battle (09.12.09)
Lady Deathwhisper (09.12.09)
Lord Marrowgar (09.12.09)
Yogg-Saron + 4 Keepers (11.05.09)
General Vezax (01.05.09)
Ignis The Furnace Master (26.04.09)
Mimiron (26.04.09)
Freya (23.04.09)
Thorim (19.04.09)
Emalon The Storm Watcher (19.04.09)
Auriaya (18.04.09)
Kologarn (17.04.09)
Stormcaller Brundir (17.04.09)
XT-002 Deconstructor (16.04.09)
Razorscale (15.04.09)
Flame Leviathan (15.04.09)
Sartharion + 3 Drakes (04.01.09)
Sartharion + 2 Drakes (20.12.08)
Sartharion + 1 Drakes (11.12.08)
Malygos (05.12.08)
Sartharion + 0 Drakes (28.11.08)
Kel’Thuzad (28.11.08)
Sapphiron (28.11.08)
Thaddius (28.11.08)
Gluth (27.11.08)
Patchwerk (27.11.08)
Grobbulus (27.11.08)
The Four Horsemen (27.11.08)
Gothik the Harvester (27.11.08)
Instructor Razuvious (26.11.08)
Loatheb (26.11.08)
Heigan the Unclean (26.11.08)
Noth the Plaguebringer (26.11.08)
Maexxna (26.11.08)
Grand Widow Faerlina (26.11.08)
Anub’Rekhan (26.11.08)
The Burning Crusade
Kil’jaeden (18.10.08)
M’uru (14.10.08)
Eredar Twins (18.07.08)
Felmyst (03.07.08)
Brutallus (05.06.08)
Kalecgos (25.04.08)
Illidan Stormrage (15.03.08)
The Illidari Council (02.03.08)
Mother Sharaz (22.02.08)
Reliquary of Souls (16.02.08)
Gurtogg Bloodboil (02.02.08)
Teron Gorefiend (25.01.08)
Archimonde the Defiler (19.01.08)
Azgalor (14.12.07)
Kaz’Rogal (24.11.07)
Shade of Akama (23.11.07)
Supremus (17.11.07)
High Warlord Naj’entus (17.11.07)
Anetheron (10.11.07)
Rage Winterchill (03.11.07)
Kael’thas Sunstrider (27.10.07)
High Astromancer Solarian (28.09.07)
Azgalor (14.12.07)
Supremus (17.11.07)
Rage Winterchill (03.11.07)
Fathom-Lord Karathress (28.07.07)
Morogrim Tidewalker (27.07.07)
The Lurker Below (21.07.07)
Void Reaver (22.06.07)
Hydross The Unstable (15.06.07)
Magtheridon (25.05.07)
Netherspite (29.04.07)
Doom Lord Kazzak (09.04.07)
Gruul (26.03.07)
Nightbane (19.03.07)
Prince Malchezaar (27.02.07)
Shade of Aran (26.02.07)
Terestian Illhoof (25.02.07)
The Chess Game (25.02.07)
High King Maulgar (24.02.07)
Big Bad Wolf (22.02.07)
The Curator (16.02.07)
Romulo & Juliette (16.02.07)
Wizard of Oz (12.02.07)
Maiden of Virtue (10.02.07)
Moroes (10.02.07)
Attuman (10.02.07)
Warcraft Classic
Noth(40) (25.11.06)
Maexxna(40) (13.11.06)
Grand Widow Faerlina(40) (02.11.06)
Instructor Razuvious(40) (02.10.06)
Anub’Rekhan(40) (29.09.06)
The Twin Emperors (04.08.06)
Princess Huhuran (29.05.06)
Lethon (01.05.06)
Fankriss the Unyielding (28.04.06)
Battleguard Sartura (24.04.06)
Ysondre (01.04.06)
Taerar (27.03.06)
Prophet Skeram (20.03.06)
Vem, Yauj, and Kri (20.03.06)
Nefarian (27.02.06)
Chromaggus (27.01.06)
Flamegor (14.01.06)
Ebonroc (14.01.06)
Firemaw (09.01.06)
Azuregos (06.01.06)
Broodlord Lashlayer (02.01.06)
Vaelastrasz the Corrupt (30.12.05)
Razorgore the Untamed (01.12.05)
Ragnaros (01.10.05)
Lord Kazzak (05.09.05)
Majordomo Executus (30.08.05)
Golemagg (18.08.05)
Shazzrah (15.08.05)
Sulfuron (15.08.05)
Onyxia (14.08.05)
Baron Geddon (11.08.05)
Garr (29.07.05)
Gehennas (28.07.05)
Magmadar (19.07.05)
Lucifron (02.07.05)