Unity Path Announces “Game Over” To End-Game RaidingPosted on | May 30, 2012 | 1 Comment
This was our fourth raiding campaign, going from 40-man in Classic, to 25-man in Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King and lastly to 10-man in Cataclysm. We’ve seen all the flavours and seen the game change over the last seven years. As a group of players, we felt that the a fifth campaign would be a step too far – the motivation to see through another 18 months in the Mists of Pandaria just wasn’t there. We’ve been Rank 1 on Earthen Ring for the last four years, and the effort to continue to beat all comers is substantially different to accepting that getting a server second kill is adequate. For us, it’s flat out – or not at all, and it was best to make that choice sitting on top of the tree. We’ve seen many changes over the last seven years, and those changes were not always the best. Whilst the game has improved for the casual player, for the end-game raider it has – in our opinion – been the reverse. There were some fine encounters in Cataclysm, but the zenith of end-game raiding was in Sunwell Plateau and Ulduar – nothing in Cataclysm got close to those standards. Based on the continual push to gift the more “casual” raid teams kills on a plate with all-too-early instance nerfs, and a general lack of engaging content, we didn’t think that Mists of Pandaria would be the place for us until 2014 when the final boss would likely to be killed. It was not without pain that we took our decision to retire “on top”, but it was the right one. We wish those that follow us, and take the crown on Earthen Ring in the next expansion will defend it with the same honour and commitment that we did. To put that amount of time into a game, for so long, is not without personal consequence. Category: Unity Path News
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May 10th, 2021 @ 18:38
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