Unity Path Defeat Yor’sahj Heroic (Faction First)Posted on | December 15, 2011 | No Comments
Unity Path Defeat Morchok Heroic (Faction First)Posted on | December 7, 2011 | No Comments
However, it’s likely to be a long campaign – albeit with Xmas and it’s variable attendance slap bang in the way. Unity Path Defeat Dragon Soul Normal (Realm First)Posted on | December 1, 2011 | No Comments
Unity Path Defeat Ragnaros Heroic! (Realm First)Posted on | November 7, 2011 | No Comments
493 pulls saw the boss finally hit the deck, after some close shaves in the week prior. In the end, the first-kill was solid – everyone could feel it coming on the night, it was just a matter of time after a bruising two months. Phase 4 is the tricky part of the fight, and we got there repeatedly somewhere in late-September. That wasn’t the problem. Unfortunately, the fight then begins again and the sins of the previous phases then find you out. Multiple meteors and multiple traps simply see you wipe multiple times. Rather too quickly. And so began five weeks of nine minute pulls to Phase 4, and then running back from the graveyard all but a minute later. Not always in good humour either. But we got there and finished the Firelands – again as first on the Realm, with a WoWProgress score of 17666.67 and a world ranking of 778 in the 10-man format. Whilst Ragnaros Heroic was an epic encounter, Firelands itself wasn’t of the same quality as some of the other instances. Ignoring the pure challenge of the final fight, our views were coloured by the quite ludicrous nerfs to the pre-Ragnaros instance in early-September which insulted all the effort spent getting the earlier bosses down. With one instance left in this expansion, it would be nice to think that this will not be repeated. Unity Path Defeat Beth’tilac Heroic (Faction First)Posted on | September 7, 2011 | No Comments
The only downside was that the add health got slightly nerfed on the reset when we killed it – this was unfortunate as we wern’t very far off from taking it down properly the previous reset. However, other than the slight bruise to the ego this was a very enjoyable fight. Unity Path Defeat Majordomo Heroic! (Realm First)Posted on | August 28, 2011 | No Comments
However, it was the last boss of the raiding week – ignoring the Ragnaros cleanup – so the incentive was always to push on the other bosses first. However, a night or two after Baleroc saw this one put away without too much fuss at all. Unity Path Defeat Baelroc Heroic! (Realm First)Posted on | August 21, 2011 | No Comments
A very satisfying kill – completed in typical Unity Path style on the final pull of the evening – despite the firewall bugging out and leaving us to kick our heels for an instance reset. Unity Path Defeat Alysrazor Heroic! (Realm First)Posted on | August 12, 2011 | No Comments
Our first Realm First of the heroic content, now we just need to keep everything on the boil. Unity Path Defeat Lord Rhyolith Heroic! (Faction First)Posted on | July 29, 2011 | No Comments
Re-grouping the week after on Lord Rhyolith saw us put this one away after 7 hours, and a bit of a strategy re-work to make better use of the available DPS, and a very fast first-kill time of 5:03. Unity Path Defeat Shannox Heroic (Faction First)Posted on | July 15, 2011 | No Comments
On our third night, a radical change in the method saw the boss, snagged, bagged and tagged. It’s not a very demanding fight once you use something which takes the majority of traps out of the equation. Ahem. « go back — keep looking » |